Monday, December 20, 2010

Christmas Books

Every year we pull out our boxes of Christmas books to read throughout the holidays. We typically read one a night (sometimes more). The books are starting to get a little young for A so we may have to get a few more during the post-holiday sales! Some years I pick 24 books and wrap them individually. We then pick from a basket every night to read before bedtime. This year, we've just grabbed our favorites as we've wanted to read them.  Here is such a few of our favorites this year:

These little Golden books are perfect for the little ones to listen to older siblings read from! This Twas The Night Before Christmas is not our main one...but we are using this copy until Amis old enough not to tear the pages!

This fun group are mainly Am favorites right now. He loves Bear and Mickey, as well as all the Disney characters. If You Take A Mouse To The Movies is a classic.

This group is books based on the songs. The kids love to sing along when either I or A reads them.

This one is our favorite this year. It's a beautiful book filled with information about the Big Man. Included are recipes, maps, little pull out letters, etc.  Check out the colors!!:

These last two pictures feature books mainly loved by A. The book of poems and short stories, as well as the Best Christmas Pageant Ever, are books A reads alone before bedtime. The Christmas Treasury is my absolute favorite. It's filled with a wonderful story about a mouse family, as well as recipes, poems, traditions, etc.

I've purchased most of these books at yard sales, library sales and thrift stores. A few I've purchased at bookstores throughout the years. I think we could fill an entire bookshelf or more with just holiday books! It's our speciality!

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